Sloths get their scarves!

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On our first trip out of the year, we took the sloths to Gilwell Park! What better place to invest some of the explorers. 10 of the sloths got their scarves and group badges last night. Lots more to come.

The Sloths are back in town!

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What better way to kick off our return than to try out some fire lighting techniques? Using various lighting methods, Fire steel, windproof matches, Drill & Bow, wire wool and batteries. The sloths managed to get a range of fires going. And of course, we had to make sure we put the fires to good use….. Marshmallows anyone? 😋 #iscout #firelighting #SkillsForLife

Hot Weather + Water Bottles = Soaked!

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Well, we had one last meeting before we break up for the summer holidays. What better way to wrap up the starting of a new unit than to have an epic water battle! Check out how the explorers got on!

A new beginning.

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The Sloths established themselves as a new explorer section in the Waltham Forest district on the 8th July 2021. With a great turnout of 11 new members. The unit chose its name and planned some of the future activities.

With lots planned for the future, the section will have lots to share.

Watch this space!